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Saturday, February 13, 2016

UAS (English Final Examination)

Please read the sentences carefully and answer the questions!

1.    Turn the sentences below into Possessive form:
a.    the car of Ahmad     = ___________________________   
b.    the room of the girls     = ___________________________   
c.    clothes for men         = ___________________________
d.    the boat of the sailors      = ___________________________

2.    What is the meaning of these sentences?
a.    Thomas's book (or Thomas' book)               ___________________
b.    James's shop (or James' shop)                      ___________________
c.    the Smiths's house (or the Smiths' house)    ___________________
d.    today's newspaper                                         ___________________

3.    Make your own  three sentences using Possessive Form!
a.    ______________________________________
b.    ______________________________________
c.    ______________________________________

4.    Make a short passage for introducing yourself

5.    Complete this passage with the Past Simple!  (turn the words in  brackets to suitable form of Past Simple
Yesterday, I (have) ______  a very rough day.   I (get) ______up early to go shopping, but as soon as I (step) ______out of the door, it (begin) ______to rain, so I (have) ______to go back to the apartment and get my umbrella. The elevator (be) ______out, so I (have) ______to climb six flights of stairs to get to my place. When I (get) ______  back downstairs, I (be) ______ so exhausted that I (have) ______ to sit down on a bench to rest. By that time, it (has) ______  (stop) ______ raining, but the ground (be) ______ still wet. A brown dog (come) ______ to where I (be) ______ sitting and (beg) ______ for something to eat. I (try) ______ to ignore him, but he (splash) ______ water all over my brand new shoes. Finally, the bus (come) ______, and I (be) ______ on my way to the supermarket.

6.    Turn this sentence into Degrees of Comparison:
“Hanya sedikit anak laki-laki di kelas kami yang sama tinggi dengan Wawan”

The Positive degree


The Comparative degree


The Superlative degree


The answers must sent to:
Not late than Monday, March 1st, 2016

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