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Monday, November 22, 2021

Materi Kuliah Pemodelan Sistem Pertemuan Ke-10


Materi Kuliah Pertemuan Ke-10
Pemodelan Sistem 

Solution Finding

Process of Problem Solving
a.    Defining the problem.
b.    Generating alternatives.
c.     Evaluating and selecting alternatives.
d.    Implementing solutions.

Example of Problem Solving:

è Your car stops running; it is out of gas that is a problem. You can determine where the nearest gas station is, take the bus, ride your bike, etc… You determine it is best to find the gas station, go to the gas station and fill your car. Problem solved.

è This is effective with machines because the problem is identifiable and either a part can be replaced, more resources added, or an adjustment can be made to fix the problem. The effectiveness of the machine is increased and the problem is solved.

è Focusing on problems and their causes is of great use when you are trying to get cars to move.

Problem Solving in A Complex System

è A different challenge comes when working with human complex adaptive systems like leadership, management, performance, planning, communication of tasks & objectives, and collaboration. These areas the problem is not as easily defined as in a machine.

è In a human system the part cannot be removed and repaired, so the decisions become more complex. Complexity increases because human systems are interactive and what you see as the effect is not related to a cause.

Example of Problem Solving in A Human System

è For example Jackie, your Production Manager and Anthony your Sales manager continually bicker and are at the point where their mutual antipathy is affecting not just their work, but the work of their subordinates as well. Both Jackie and Anthony are competent hard workers who are proven high performers. In this scenario identifying the cause of the problem may not be as obvious as the car or it may reinforce the negative interactions. Leaving both Jackie and Anthony with no clear solution on how they can change their views and behavior of each other. They both know why they don’t get along but nothing has changed they still both feel the same.

Problem Solution vs Solution Finding

è Problem Solution à Focusing on problems makes you an expert in what’s wrong;

è Solution Finding à To become an expert in what’s right you may guide others towards solutions.

Solutions finding is a function of every manager.

è The job of a manger is to add value to people, and to increase their ability to make decisions and solve problems.

è Work is seeing that decisions are made and problems are solved; this is what you are paid for.

Solutions Finding Within Human Systems
a.      Setting the ground work – Find out what is going on by asking questions about facts, and accumulating evidence about the problem.
b.      Determining Goals – What is the solution of this problem? If the problem ceases to exist what will be happening in its place? What are we trying to achieve by finding solutions?
c.      Stating the problem – what is going on? What is the problem exactly, with evidence plus clear and distinct examples.
d.      Envisioning the solution – determining what and how things will be different when the solution happens. What is the person doing more of, focusing on, developing, sharing, etc…?
e.      Scaling the solution – where are we right in reference to the solution, what has worked so far? What is keeping the solution alive? Examples the more realistic the better.
f.       Projecting the solution into the future – if things were just a little better what would be happening? What would it look like, sound like, feel like, where would energy, time, money be going?
g.      Focusing on the task – What is one thing that you can start doing to solve this problem right now? What are you willing to do to when this meeting stops?
h.      Following Up – determine a time in the near future to follow up and explore progress on the solution.

The Solution Finding in System Modeling

è Solution Finding is the next step after Problem Finding and before building a model
è The Solution Finding Model places responsibility onto the person and manager to find and enhance what is working. Using the steps above releases the consistent focus on ‘what is broken’ and moves the person to find ‘what is the solution’.

è Replacing, the Problem Model of how will you know that Jackie and Anthony are getting along? “They will no longer be fighting with each other.” Which describes the absence of the problem; The absence of the problem is not a solution because by default you need to resurrect the problem to compare it with the absence of the problem, mentally reinforcing the problem that you began with, possibly leading to a return of the problem you started with.

è To, the Solutions Model of how will you know that Jackie and Anthony are getting along? “I will see in-formal and casual conversations between them at team meetings. When either one of them speaks the other will listen and respond in a respectful tone and manner. I will see improved communications between the Production and Sales staff, both teams working together without necessary prompting from other Managers and me.” Now you have solutions and some goals to move towards. As a manager you can begin to coach and create action-plans to achieve the solutions, using the steps of the Solutions Model above.

è Working through the Solutions Model shifts the focus from problems to solutions, in turn developing others and yourself to enhance;

è Belief in the person who has the skilled knowledge to find and solve the problem.

è Thinking about and reinforcing the person with the ability to solve problems and make decisions.

è Feeling that the solution is attainable and some steps are already in place that are working, making the goal more achievable.

è Attitude switching from seeking problems to finding solutions.

è Behavior of solving problems and doing more great work – in turn solving more problems and making better decisions.

è Human systems thrive and work on solutions. That is a true and powerful source of joy in work.


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