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Monday, October 9, 2023

Proses Produksi II Pertemuan Ke-4: Pembentukan Logam


Proses Produksi II
Pertemuan Ke-4: Pembentukan Logam

Peserta yang Hadir

[10/10 12.19] TI2022-Muh Hikmal Marasabessy: List Kehadiran
*Sementer 3*
*Proses Produksi 2*
1. Widy Lestaluhu 
2. Arif Almadani Wakano (202202102)
3 Abidin Solissa 
4. Wahab Syarif Tihirua 
5. Faturahman Wattimena (202202105)
6. Wiwin Moni 
7. Siti Nurhasanah Mahua (202202107)
8. Rahmad Saman Rahawarin (202202108)
9. Muhammad Hikmal Marasabessy 
10. Alfian Kasan 
11. Usairi Kamarey 
12. Desyana Kalauw 
13. Abd Kifli Rumain
[10/10 12.43] Sitnah Aisyah Marasabessy: ☑️
[10/10 10.56] Sitnah Aisyah Marasabessy: 
What is MetalForming?
Metal forming is one of the world’s most widely used manufacturing processes. During the Forming process, the metal is plastically deformed by a force that exceeds the material yield strength where strain hardening occurs.
[10/10 10.59] TI2022-Muh Hikmal Marasabessy: Apa itu Pembentukan Logam?
Pembentukan logam adalah salah satu proses manufaktur yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia. Selama proses Pembentukan, logam mengalami deformasi plastis oleh gaya yang melebihi kekuatan luluh material dimana terjadi pengerasan regangan.
[10/10 11.26] Sitnah Aisyah Marasabessy: 
The material should have a low yield strength and high ductility to form, while strain rate and lubrication affect the performance too successfully. Increasing the temperature reduces yield strength and increases ductility to make it easier to deform hence some types of forming are performed hot.
[10/10 11.30] TI2022-Wiwin Mony: Bahan tersebut harus mempunyai kekuatan luluh yang rendah dan keuletan yang tinggi untuk membentuk, sedangkan laju regangan dan pelumasan mempengaruhi kinerja dengan baik. Peningkatan suhu akan mengurangi kekuatan luluh dan meningkatkan keuletan sehingga lebih mudah mengalami deformasi sehingga beberapa jenis pembentukan dilakukan dalam keadaan panas.
[10/10 11.44] Sitnah Aisyah Marasabessy: 
Ductility is a mechanical property commonly described as a material's amenability to drawing (e.g. into wire).[1] In materials science, ductility is defined by the degree to which a material can sustain plastic deformation under tensile stress before failure.[2][3] Ductility is an important consideration in engineering and manufacturing. It defines a material's suitability for certain manufacturing operations (such as cold working) and its capacity to absorb mechanical overload.[4] Some metals that are generally described as ductile include gold and copper, while platinum is the most ductile of all metals in pure form.[5] However, not all metals experience ductile failure as some can be characterized with brittle failure like cast iron. Polymers generally can be viewed as ductile materials as they typically allow for plastic deformation.[6]
[10/10 11.44] TI2022-Wiwin Mony: Keuletan adalah kemampuan bahan padat untuk mengalami peregangan sebelum menjadi putus di bawah tegangan tarik
[10/10 12.10] Sitnah Aisyah Marasabessy: Softcopy makalah kirim ke grup

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